On-Site Participation
Talks and coffee breaks will take place at the Hönggerberg campus of ETH Zürich. Additional rooms, room D4 and D6 in the HCI building, will be available for on-site discussions close to the main conference hall. A welcome reception and a poster session will be organised on Monday evening on campus and there will be a conference dinner in the city center on Wednesday evening.
Online Participation
Talks will be live-streamed on Zoom and remote participants will have the opportunity to ask questions at the end of the presentations. Talks will also be recorded for reviewing at your convenience. Moreover, hybrid discussion hubs and virtual meeting spaces (SpatialChat) will be available during coffee breaks to facilitate interactions with speakers and on-site participants.
Participants are given the opportunity to present a scientific poster at the conference poster session(s). Poster presenters can furthermore advertise their contribution in a teaser video shown to the audience during conference intermissions.
Online Contributions
Speakers can opt to deliver their talks from remote with equal interaction options with on-site and online participants. A limited number of posters might also be contributed from remote.
Welcome Reception and Dinner
The welcome reception will take place on Monday evening at the conference site. The conference dinner will take place on Wednesday evening in Zürich city. Vegetarian and vegan dishes will be offered.
Free-Floating Friday
The scientific programme of talks extends from Monday through Thursday, while Friday is still part of the conference programme. We will open the doors for more informal discussions on topics of narrower and broader concern that shall be defined during the week. Of course, you are also free to use the time for meeting and discussing with your collaborators and peers – or for travelling back home without having to make excuses to your partners, your families or your conscience.
The registration fee for on-site participation is CHF 200. It includes the welcome reception, coffee breaks and the conference dinner. The registration fee for virtual participation is CHF 30. It includes access to the online platforms and it funds our hybrid conference setup. The conference fee can be paid by major credit cards.
Please register here. Your registration will require approval by the organisers before you can proceed to payment. Please get in touch with us concerning special considerations, such as if you require administrative support for travelling to Switzerland.