IPA Seminars

Precision tests with antimatter: A glimpse at the 1S – 2S transition in trapped anti hydrogen

by Dr William Bertsche (University of Manchester)

D24.2 (HPK)



Otto-Stern Weg 5 8093 Zurich
Optical spectroscopy with antihydrogen atoms remains one of the most promising routes towards testing CPT invariance and physics beyond the Standard Model in an effort to address the observed Baryon asymmetry in the Universe today. The ALPHA collaboration has made significant progress towards the first measurements of optical transitions in trapped antihydrogen atoms, and has recently published the first observation of the 1S – 2S transition in a fully antimatter atom, and it consistent with CPT invariance at a level of approximate 2 x 10-10[1]. This talk will review the details of this measurement and discuss the prospects of future measurements with the ALPHA experiment. [1] http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v541/n7638/full/nature21040.html